DevSecOps as a Service

Don't compromise on security, reliability, and compliance - let Profisea's DevSecOps services team seamlessly integrate them into your software development lifecycle (SDLC).

We support:

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Why Profisea’s DevSecOps

At Profisea, we guarantee professional benefits that encompass a secure software development lifecycle with huge cost reductions, and more. Here are some of the benefits of using our DevSecOps as a Service:

All security aspects of your delivery pipeline are supervised

Recovery is accelerated should a security incident occur

Security, reliability, and compliance are incorporated into the SDLC

Software delivery speed is increased by addressing potential errors as early as possible

Automated testing technologies are incorporated into each software delivery stage

Your company gains a competitive advantage and prevents reputation loss accidents

Drastically reduce expenses by minimizing vulnerabilities in products, thereby averting security incidents

Enhanced team collaboration that allows each specialist to play a role in keeping applications secure and compliant

DevSecOps: Security as a Shared Responsibility

At Profisea we believe that security is a shared responsibility throughout the entire IT lifecycle. Our DevSecOps services combine development, security, and operations, ensuring that security is a part of the software development lifecycle from planning to release.

According to the GitLab 2022 Global DevSecOps Survey, over 53% of DevSecOps engineers report that their teams have ‘shifted left’, moving security practices to an earlier stage of the development process:

Security scanning is increasing...

Across the board, devs report greater usage of scanning...


run Static application security testing (SAST) scans (a dramatic year-on-year jump from less than 40%)


employ dynamic application security testing (DAST) scans (up 11 points from last year)


scan containers today (up 10% from 2021)


perform dependency scans


ensure license compliance checks

..but easy access to data is lagging behind

The majority of dev teams still aren't getting scan data in their workflows.


have SAST lite scanners in a web IDE


pull scan results into a web pipeline report for devs


make DAST, container and dependency scans easily available to devs

Profisea’s DevSecOps experts consistently embed security solutions into existing CI/CD pipelines, incorporating continuous feedback loops and insights throughout the SDLC, from planning and design to coding, building, testing, and release.

With our DevSecOps as a Service, your development team will produce safe systems quickly and with the highest reliability.

Profisea’s DevSecOps: Seamless & Secure Workflow Image

Profisea’s DevSecOps: Seamless & Secure Workflow

Profisea’s DevSecOps: Seamless & Secure Workflow Image Mobile

Our experts leverage the best DevSecOps practices and technologies to unify software development processes into one seamless and secure workflow. We identify all vulnerabilities in your SDLC, and our experienced professionals provide top DevSecOps automation to unify software development processes into one seamless flow, smoothly integrating security and compliance into each step.

With Profisea, you can be sure that your product 100% meets your safety and security safeguards since security requirements, metrics and testing top our list of concerns. We also assist you to successfully implementing a DevSecOps culture within your company to encourage a security-first mindset among your teams.

Technology Stack

Unleash the Power of DevOps Tools with Profisea

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At Profisea, we leverage a robust and cutting-edge technology stack to deliver exceptional DevSecOps managed services and solutions. Our technology stack includes:

CI/CD Tools

We utilize popular continuous integration and continuous deployment tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, and CircleCI to automate software delivery pipelines and ensure efficient and reliable deployments.

Container Management

We employ containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes to package applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistent and secure deployments across different environments.

as Code (IaC)

We embrace IaC methodologies by using tools such as Terraform and AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage infrastructure resources in a programmatic and reproducible manner, reducing manual errors and ensuring consistency.

Security Testing Tools

We leverage a range of security testing tools, including static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and interactive application security testing (IAST), to identify vulnerabilities and security weaknesses in your applications.

Monitoring & Incident Response

We implement robust security monitoring and incident response solutions, utilizing tools such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) platforms and intrusion detection systems (IDS), to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.

Cloud Security

Our expertise in the cloud security frameworks and services provided by major cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), ensure secure and compliant cloud environments for your applications.

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